Keep Your Fire Burning Bright
It’s usually around this time of year that I feel the call to slow down. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re still very much hunkered down for winter. The shorter days and longer nights ignite that primal pull in me to wrap up in the goodness of a soft blanket and read a great book. To set all my tech to “do not disturb” and nourish myself. To rest.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of slowing down to allow for the pace of the season – both the literal seasons that we pass through each year, but also the seasons of life that sometimes ask more of us. And in this season of winter cold and darkness, it feels important to me to keep the fire within burning extra bright. What better way than to adorn ourselves with a little something that reflects the warmth of a happy heart ;)
May you enjoy the slowness of the season, and nurture your inner flame in ways that feel restorative and inspiring.
Wishing you all good things,