The Resilience of Mothers

Mother's Day Flowers

I saw this flower yesterday and it reminded me of my mom. She actually prefers pink to orange, but this little beauty had pluck, thriving amongst the concrete. When I think of my mom, I can’t help but think of her resilience. I think of all the challenges I’ve seen her face and overcome. 

Work, kids, family, friends, home, life. Moms wake up and do it all again, day after day, year after year. It’s a lifelong role that doesn’t allow just going through the motions – they have to be invested, giving of themselves each and every day, and somehow they have to find it within themselves to have something that’s just for them. Talk about resilience. It’s incredible. My mother’s resilience shaped and instilled in me the same spirit.

I’m not a mother myself, but that has never stopped me from caring for those around me, mothering them in my own way. Sharing the knowledge gained from my experiences, being a friend to help celebrate victories, encouraging others when their journey takes them through struggle, being authentic and vulnerable with those I love. Carrying on the torch of resilience.

I appreciate so many things about my mom. But in this particular time in my life and pandemic era, her resilience is one of the gifts I am thankful for most.

If you were motherless or had a complicated relationship with your mother that brings up painful feelings on Mother’s Day, there are numerous online forums, resources, and communities available to support you. You are not alone.



The Enduring Power of Love

