The Journal

Women’s Strength & Power
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Women’s Strength & Power

We all know women who champion other women. They lift us up, encourage us, celebrate us. We need them! Witnessing women’s strength reminds me that I, too, possess resilience, strength and power. And in this way, they inspire me to be my very own champion.

Years ago, I had an idea. I wanted to design a piece that spoke to my inner power, to be a talisman to help me remember, even when I doubted, that I was strong enough to continue forward. I created a ring, the first piece in a series I’d come to call the Power Series.

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Ways of Seeing
Lifestyle sayFINN Lifestyle sayFINN

Ways of Seeing

This week I have noticed the trees coming back. Spring is on its way. Soon the time will change an hour forward and the days will get longer. These once-barren branches, stripped to their bones for Winter, are already sprouting tiny leaves, the buds of green fruit, and the promise of an explosion of color in the cherry blossoms.

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